API flows

The following description details how S1SEVEN can notarize companies material certificates.

Machine to machine flow

To automate interaction with the S1SEVEN API, you should use a M2M access token scoped to the resource your application needs access to.

  1. To create an application and an access token refer to general information
  2. store the clientId and clientSecret in your application
  3. call the create access token endpoint to create a valid token
  4. in case of token expired (401 error), repeat step 3

Key management flow

Create a wallet

A wallet allows a company to generate key pairs to sign document and transactions for supported blockchains, it is composed by a mnemonic phrase that is the root of all key pairs.

To create a new wallet you can call the create wallet endpoint. You should set :

  • the company HTTP header with the company's Id you previously created.
  • the mode HTTP query with the context you work in

The options in body content is optional.

curl --request POST \
  --url https://<api-gateway>/api/wallets?mode=test \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'company: <company-id>' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <jwt>' \
  --data '{
    "name": "wallet label",
    "options": {
      "language": "english"


The mnemonic that will be returned should be stored with extra care, as it will be displayed only once and it allows to recreate key pairs used to sign transactions that can be sent directly to the blockhain node.

Wallet states

Create a first identity

The identities contains metadata that allows our service to create keypairs without exposing or storing their private parts. Each identity gives the path to one specific keypair that you will use in a later step to notarize certificates. The logic is based on the key derivation as described in the BIP32open in new window and the key space organization as described in BIP44open in new window.

To create an identity, use the create identity endpoint. You should set several parameters:

  • the company HTTP header with the company's Id you previously created
  • the mode HTTP query with the context you work in
  • the wallet HTTP body property with the wallet's Id you previously created
  • the coinType HTTP body property, should only be set to 822, it will scope and create keypairs working on BigChainDB.
  • the account HTTP body property, constitutes the first derivation level for the key pair creation, it can be mapped to a given department in a company for example.
  • the index will be automatically incremented on the service side, it constitutes the second derivation level for the key pair creation, it allows to create key pairs for single usage and increase discretion of the transactions.
  "coinType": 822,
  "account": 0,
  "wallet": "walletId"
curl --request POST \
  --url https://<api-gateway>/api/identities?mode=test \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'company: <company-id>' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <jwt>' \
  --data '{
    "coinType": 822,
    "account": 0,
    "wallet": "walletId"

Notarize an identity

To allow companies to make their identities (public key) public and consult public identities from other companies, an identity can be notarized. This step is irreversible, so it should be chosen carefully for identities that a company wish to be recognized publicly with.

To notarize an identity, use the notarize identity endpoint. You should set several parameters:

  • the company HTTP header with the company's Id you previously created
  • the mode HTTP query with the context you work in
  • the identityId HTTP path parameter with the Id of the identity to update

Build a transaction


Sign a transaction


Send a transaction to a DLT node


WebhookDelivery listeners flow

Register a HTTP webhook

  1. To subscribe and react to webhook deliveries sent from our services, you can use register hook endpoint. You should also set the company HTTP header with the company's Id you previously created and set the scope (which action on which resource, an optionally for which mode) that this hook will listen to.


When a specific event triggers your webhook(s) rules, it will create an WebhookDelivery object that will be stored for 1 month to allow you to manage/review webhook deliveries triggered.

Find webhook and webhook deliveries

By querying your webhooks using the find hook endpoint you can also retrieve the webhook deliveries generated during the past month.

Retry webhook delivery

If a webhook delivery fails, you can retry while it is still avaiable using the retry webhook delivery endpoint.

Handle webhooks

Minimal webhook server

Create a file webhook-server.js with this content, it will start an HTTP server on port 9000.

Node.js example
import { createHmac } from 'node:crypto';
import express from 'express';
import { fromPairs } from 'lodash';

function generateSignature(signature, body, API_SECRET) {
  const { t, h } = fromPairs(signature.split(',').map((s) => s.split('=')));
  const tolerance = 5;
  const currentTimestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
  const expectedSignature = createHmac('sha256', API_SECRET)
  if (expectedSignature === h && currentTimestamp - Number(t) <= tolerance) {
    return expectedSignature;
  return null;

function serializeBody(body) {
  function replacer(key, value) {
    if (value === null || value.constructor != Object) {
      return value;
    return Object.keys(value)
      .reduce((s, k) => {
        s[k] = value[k];
        return s;
      }, {});
  return JSON.stringify(body, replacer);

function startServer(API_SECRET) {
  const app = express();

      verify: (req, res, buffer) => {
        req.rawBody = buffer;

  app.post('/', (req, res) => {
    const body = serializeBody(req.body);
    // or
    const body = req.rawBody.toString();
    const signature = generateSignature(
    if (!signature) {
      return res.sendStatus(401);

    console.log('received webhook', req.body);
    return res.sendStatus(200);

  app.listen(port, () => console.log('Webhook server started on port 9000.'));

(function (argv) {
  const secret = argv[2] || 'z6MkoQSb6frUdZw78QEGSKfaJ5d9Bd9WHyTqqVJtnXWMDbPP';
  const port = argv[3] || 8000;
  startServer(secret, port);

Start the server with :

node ./webhook-server.js <secret_returned_by_create_hook_endpoint>

Create a local-tunnel.js file, it will start a tunnel to redirect HTTP calls to https://<my_subdomain>.loca.lt (it should match the connectionUrl declared during hook registration) to your local webhook server. Alternatively you can also use Ngrok.

Node.js HTTP tunnel example
import localtunnel from 'localtunnel';

(async (argv) => {
  const subdomain = argv[2] || 's1seven-pipe-service';
  const port = argv[3] || 8000;
  const tunnel = await localtunnel({ port, subdomain });
  console.log(`Tunnel available on ${tunnel.url}`);

  tunnel.on('close', () => {
    console.log(`Tunnel closed`);
  process.on('beforeExit', () => {

Start the tunnel with your custom subdomain :

node ./local-tunnel.js <my_subdomain>

Notarization flow

Validate a certificate

  1. Create your own JSON certificate, you can check the supported schemas to be used in RefSchemaUrl by calling supported schemas endpoint.

  2. Validate your certificate either by passing the json or the file (multipart/form-data) in the Http body with validate json certificate or validate file certificate endpoints.

Render a certificate

  1. You can render the certificate as HTML or PDF either by passing the json or the file (multipart/form-data) in the body with render json certificate or render file certificate endpoints.

You should set the type HTTP query with html or pdf

Notarize a certificate

  1. You can notarize a certificate (the hash of serialized JSON) on BigChainDB by uploading a certificate to the notarize file certificate or the notarize json certificate endpoint.

You should set several parameters:

  • the company HTTP header with the company's Id you previously created
  • the identity HTTP query with an identity's Id you previously created
  • the mode HTTP query, available values can be test and live
  • the content-type HTTP header should be set to multipart/form-data or application/json
  1. If the response is successful, a new background job will be triggered and you will receive an email confirmation containing the certificate once the job is done.

If you registered a hook with the scopes list containing

  "resource": "certificates",
  "actions": ["notarize_one"]

you will also receive the payload on your registered HTTP endpoint (connectionUrl).


If accessing the email accounts and setting a webhook server are not available options, it's still possible to poll the verify endpoint and wait for a successful response.


Certificates going through the notarization process will be stored one month for the sake of webhook deliveries.

PDF notarization

During the background job, a PDF interpolation of the JSON certificate will be rendered from the JSON certificate. The PDF will also be sent to issuers and receivers for easier human readibility, it used to be notarized on BigChainDB as well but it is now deprecated.

Read more about the deprecated PDF notarizationopen in new window process.

Verify a certificate

You can verify that a certificate has been notarized by uploading a file to the verify certificate endpoint. You must also provide the mode on which this certificate has been notarized by setting the HTTP query mode=<expected_mode>.

© 2025 S1SEVEN GmbH